But if there's anyone interested from our route and places we visited I shall give you some info. First I thought I'd make some cool routemap in googlemap and publish the link here or something, but no!
Well you saw the pictures from Turku, saariston rengastie and Stockholm. It was a nice route, but not much driving, because of the ferries. Also some problems with Samulis bike leaking oil, but we got that fixed before Stockholm (: We were supposed to spend 2 nights on the islands, but the route is so short that one night was just enough. Unless u explore every road... which will eventually end to ocean. We got back to Turku one night early and so we spend 2 nights at Veeras mother before leaving to Stockholm, witch also gave us time to fix the bike!
In Stockholm we spend couple of nights in a hostel, little bit of drinking and eating. T.G.I Fridays is gooood and also this awesome jazz pub Stampen.
From Stockholm we took the small roads to the lake Vättern. We spend the night in camping area near Karlsborg, nice camp fire, some sausages, whisky and a good night sleep.
Next day from there to Kristinehamn the small roads were just sooo good (maybe even little bit better) and the weather... nice!! Little break in Karlstad and then to Ekenäs which is in the shore of Vänern. Camping there and next morning some twisty roads towards Kungshamn and Smögen. On the way we had some fun driving with BMW M5 quite fast.
One big bug
Terminator (Arnold)

Smögen, just a beautiful place. We were there just for my birthday, so while Samuli build up the tent I went to system boolaaaget :D Drinking, swimming and enjoying the scenery.
Because of the drinking and other stuff we were forced to spend another night there. Didn't mind at all, lovely place!
Samuli flying
The bridge from Kungshamn to Smögen.
New names, new bikes :O
One lane, sheeps, trucks, interensting and nice.
The plan was to buy everything (except gasoline) from Sweden, before we enter to the world of expensive. So we stuffed our bags full of food and headed to Norway and Lysebotn. If you have a small map with 3 countrys in it and you're in Norway and you be like it's not even a long way, it is! It was pretty late when we got to Lysebotn but who cares, the mountains and mountain roads uh lalaa!! You get absolutely no perspective from these pictures :D
Next morning we had to backtrack a little bit to get to Preikestolen, a lot more traffic on the small one lane road, scary! At first the plan was to camp one night before hiking to Preikestolen, but the camping site was way too expensive so we hiked that same evening. Our luck, because it was nice weather up there that evening and not so much tourists. After a night up there in the mountain, we woke up to cloudy sky and hundreds of people. The plan was to take more cool pictures...
And it was before Preikestolen we noticed that we somehow ran out of money, so we decided to head back to Finland :D
Clouds hiding
We carried _all_ the stuff up to the Preikestolen, it would've been easier to hide them in the forrest :D
Cool on the outside, scared shitless inside
Next morning :(
Samuli sleeping outside the tent, guess he was a bit allergic to my sleepingbag (feathers). Last night on the trip we spend in Stockholm checking the nightlife.. sober :D
Don't use Viking Line, they don't let you sleep on the boat unless you have cabin.
All in all excellent adventure again! Without accidents. We slept all but two nights in a tent and ate food we made with trangia. So your basic camping with a hint of driving the coolest roads :)