Jun 3, 2011


We checked out from the hotel at 10.30 am and tried to find some store to buy some breakfast but not so lucky we weren't (Yoda english). So we decided to teleport ourselfs to Hangover.. no wait.. Hannover to get some food.

We ate some pasta and continued our teleportation towards Bonn and Tanja & Tines place. The fastest speed we drove was 287, faster next time! We arrived at Tanja & Tines incredible house at somewhere around 4 pm. We did some sunbathing, I got to ride in Fiat , coolest car ever! Then we did some BBQ oh and did I mention the view, some pictures will tell.

Jungs, ihr koennt euch glueklich schaetzen, dass ihr hier bei uns seid :) ist das nicht schoen hier??
wir freuen uns, dass wir euch kennengelernt haben und hoffen, dass wir uns irgendwann mal wiedersehen! 
danke fuer die coole zeit, passt auf euch auf und habt noch einen wundervollen urlaub!!

rockt fuer uns mit am wochenende!! :p

thank u for the great time we had together and take care on your trip!!
hope to see you guys soon!!

have a good time....

hugs from Tine&Tanja (TnT) ;)

We washed all our laundry here today wich is nice. We can also leave our stuff here when we're at the festival and after that we come back here to spend the night and sleep off the hangover :D And we borrowed a tent from Lars.. ggggreat!

So tomorrow to Rock am Ring so we'll be back on monday!

Mitä tähä nyt sanois, sohvasurffaus on ehkä siisteintä ikinä :D Ainaki tähä asti ollu! Päästii tosiaa Bonnii ja huomena rokkaa festareille. Teltta saatii lainaa tyttöjen joltai kaverilta ni ei tarvi sitäkä lähtee ostaa. Maanantaina takas tähä vähä koisailee ja palauttaa teltta. Palataa.

1 comment:

  1. Hyvä pojat! Ajakaa kovempaa!

    t. Jyrkkäkaarteen sisko <3
