May 31, 2011


It was a good night again.. woke up only like one time. At the morning we started looking the maintenance place to get Samppas bike fixed and Alexandra was a great help, actually she called all the places and used her woman persuasion skills :) And she also made a great breakfast with scrambled eggs and sausage!

So we found a place that promised to fix the bike but they could do it at 1 pm so we had 3 hours to spare. So to the city center to check out sights of Jönköping!

Currently we're still in Jönköping waiting the bike to get ready. Just chilling upstairs of the MC-shop, so I decided to update the blog and drink some more coffee. Our hotel reservation in Hamburg has already started but I'm thinking we'll be there somewhere around 12 at night!

Samppa fell asleep on the couch!

Next update hopefully from Hamburg.

Aurinko armas kuivas satehen...

Kolmas päivä reisussa ja sateet on nyt otettu niskaa eli auringon vuoro. Lähettii 9 aikaa aamulla Sundsvallista ajamaa kohti Jönköpingiä ja nyt en muistakkaa enää mitää muuta ku ajamista ja pidemmän pysähyksen Örebrossa. Paitsi sitä enne oltii kuitekii pysähytty maalaisidylii tankkaa ja siel vedettii muussit ja makkarat naamarii. Örebroota enne huomasin et jarruttaessa Kawasaki tärisee aika kovi ja sitte ku oltii kahvit juotu Örebrossa ni huomasinkii et sehä oli perkele laskenu etuiskarista öljyt pihalle. Sittehä sitä ajeltiikii rauhallisesti etujarrulla jarruttamista vältellen tänne Jönköpingiin Alexandran luokse. Huomenna pitää ettiä korjaamo missä vois huollattaa sen.
Nii ja kaiken sen märillä vaatteilla ajamisen takia sain vielä flunssan ja pienen kuumeen, mutta eiköhä se viimeistää Hampurissa desinfioida pois.

Jag mötte upp killarna vid Willys i Råslätt där jag bor. Först hade de tydigen åkt till Huskvaran, vilket är på andra sidan stan... Väl framme berättade de att de redan ätit, men de klarade av att äta min Lasagne och lite glass ändå :)  De påminner mig lite om killarna från Mythbusters, de där snygga typerna :P (Jag såg de i bar överkropp, inte illa!) Jag hoppas att deras resa går bra, och inte mer regn! / Alexandra

Multi-language update! Today Åsa kindly offered us breakfast and coffee before leaving to work. Also the best sleep I've (Juha) had in months. It was a bit of a shock when we woke up to sun shining. Then I don't recall much cos' we drove like hell because of the good weather! First bigger stop we had in Örebro and when we we're leaving we noticed that Samppas front shockabsorber had lost all the oil so now we need to find Kawasaki maintenance!

But we managed to get safely to Alexandras apartment! Alexandra had made her special lasagne wich was excellent, thank you! For dessert we had icecream and fruits.. again very tasty :D But it's starting to be late and it's gonna be early wake up so good night for yall!!

Drove today about 700 km. Beam me up Scotty!

May 29, 2011

Täälä myö ollaa

Kirjotetaa nyt sitten vaihteeks äidinkielellä. Melkosta tykittämistä ollu nää 2 ekaa päivää, täysil vaa eteepäi vesisateessa :D Tänää tosiaa Umeåssa stoppi ja vähä blogin päivittelyö, sitte kun siintä lähettii ni alko aurinko pasittelee ja tiestä tuli kivan mutkasta ja vuoristoista kunnes vähä enne Sundsvallia otettii viel pikkuset suihkut!

Sit GPS neuvo meit tähä toisee sohvasurffailu mestaa Åsalle, tälläne kiva pikkuinen omakotitalo hienoilla maisemilla.Täällä sit heti kärkee kamat kuivumaa ja suihkun kautta syömää hyvää pizzaa! Nyt o kuulema iltateet ja sit saattakii olla et nukkumasa tulee paiskaa hiekkaa silmii aika kovaa.

After we left Umeå we were kinda disappointed cos' it didn't rain. So the sun started shining and the mood was up, the road started making curves and ups and downs. Se we drove a bit faster than usual and made some good progress. Untill just before Sundsvall it rained a bit just for a revenge :D Gps kindly guided us to our second couchsurf place, Åsas home. This a really nice house and Åsa and her children are great people. So we took a shower since we're so cold for a change and ate some vegetarian pizza Åsa had made.

Now after tea we're more than ready to sleep. So that's it for today! Oh we drove 675km today...

Day and a half

Juha started today at 8 am from Helsinki and drove to Tampere to meet up with Samppa. We left Tampere about 12.15, just as we were starting our bikes it started to rain, but it lasted only for about 10 km.
We made our first stop after 230km, we ate truckers bread and coffee. We arrived to Kemi at 8.20 pm. It rained couple of times.. a lot and it was pritty damn cold. It is +5C in Kemi now. Noora welcomed us to her home! So we got boiling hot showers and after that first beers in 8 weeks, tastes excellent!!

Sooooo.... sunday mornin'

Didn't get much sleep.. me and Samppa about 4 teespoons and Noora one :D New place, new sofa and party downstairs might have had something to do with it. First wake up was at 5 am, but we decided to sleep 2 tablespoons more. Second wake up was 9 am sharp! :D At 10 we were ready to launch.. one speed, one gear.. GO! At this point we are at Umeå and it almost hasn't rained at all, except we are soaking wet and cold as hell. Wayne's coffee offered us hot coffee and hot looking swedish girls.. and internet! Now we need to look up the next couch from Sundsvall and contact her, hope we get a boiling hot shower again. And as Santtu said, when it's raining I know why I bought this expensive gear, I'm pretty dry but still cold :(

Noora our first ever couch host. 

Great pizzas at some random place at some random city.
W-w-w-w-wayne's onomnomnomcoffee.

May 27, 2011

Last call for Eurotour

Only one night left and then we're on our way! The last month has been very busy and a bit stressful to me, so this gonna be a big relief to me. I've made a charging system for the GPS to my bike, well actually it's 12 V output so you can charge anything that fits there :) One of the good things is that our t-shirts got here today and I took some pictures of them! Now I have to do my final packing and try to get some sleep, but I think it's only going to be rolling up the sheets and wondering tomorrow :D

Some fine designing and modeling :D

 Switch so nobody can steal my electricity!

I am sorry for the bad quality of the pictures.

Oh , tomorrow is going to be end of a dry season. I hope it doesn't rain!
